Monday, June 9, 2008

Celebrating 18 Years!

I find history very interesting, looking back and wondering what it must have been like or what was going through the minds of people as they were living certain events. Granted, eighteen years isn't very far back. But some day June 9, 1990 will become one of those dates in my future family's history. So, for them as well as you I'll put a few things down.

Being a bit on the frugal side, we tried to do a lot of stuff for ourselves. We bought tons of pastel M&Ms as the went on sale for Easter and stored them to use at the reception. Her mother made The dress and the bridesmaid's dresses were also made by her or the maids themselves. I was up half the night before filling the balloons. The wedding was early afternoon and followed by a cake reception so we didn't have to feed everybody. I have no idea how I got through singing "I Will Be Here" to my bride. Some of the other songs seemed waaaaaayyyy too long as we stood holding hands and whispering to each other as the crowd stared at us.

Here are a coulpe of things I highly recommend. We had the family and our wedding party over the Monday evening after our Saturday wedding for a present opening party. It was much more relaxed than doing it at the reception or right away. Also, we waited a week before we left for the honeymoon. That was a huge bonus. It not only gave us time to settle in. It also made us more rested so we could really enjoy the honeymoon. (Also I didn't have to worry about my all underwear being taken out of my suitcase and exchanged for little boy tidy-whities by my "friends." Scott, you have to admit that was really funny!)

I don't think I'd recognize that we were the same young couple. We traded in our CRX and Grand Am for two minivans. Our quite home has exploded to shelter four kids, a cat and three hampsters. Then of course I look into her eyes and see the same sparkle. I hold her hand and still feel the pitter-patter. We even still say the same things at the exact same time. For better, for worse. For richer, for poorer. We're not perfect. But I can't really think of an instance where it hasn't been the "better." And though the bank accont isn't very big, I am rich beyond what money can buy.

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