It's kind of random today. I'm just going to hit a few highlights of the last 24 hours.
Bargains - My parenst wanted to borrow my circular saw the other day because theirs broke. Well, mine burned up on me about a year ago. I told them I needd to buy a new one anyway and they could just borrow it. They offered to split the cost with me since there was no sense in both of us buying our own. I anticipated I'd have to spend somewhere around $60. I knew I didn't want to buy another cheap-
o, nor did I need a $100+ professional model. After a little price shopping online (Don't you love the internet!) at some of the stores in my area I decided on a nice, practical $59.99 model that was on sale for $49.99. Perfect, right in my price range and in stock at my local retailer. Over lunch I went to unnamed store as searched for my desired saw. Hmmm. It wasn't displayed out with the others so I thought it might be at the end of an isle, being a sale item. Nope, not there either. Then I took a closer look at the shelves where the saws were stocked. Gee, there it was, right model number, included the case and all. But that price sticker on the shelf just didn't seem correct, though the product information matched the item. Oh well, I'll take it to the register and see what it rings up at. "That will be $18.04 please." $16.97 before tax just like the shelf sticker. A perfectly good saw with a case marked down nearly 72% simply because it was not the latest model. So? You think my friends will be looking at my saw and thinking, "Gee, that Dave is a nice guy. But his saw is soooo last year"
Braces - I never had braces. Those of you who have seen my David Letterman-like gap can vouch for that. But yesterday my oldest daughter (14) got her braces off. She has been very good at following all the rules for what to avoid while in braces. She says her mouth feels weird now. And I asked if kissing her boyfriend feels weird now, too. "Dad, I don't have any boyfriend!" Whew! Music to my ears. She's growing up all too fast.
Bargains - My parenst wanted to borrow my circular saw the other day because theirs broke. Well, mine burned up on me about a year ago. I told them I needd to buy a new one anyway and they could just borrow it. They offered to split the cost with me since there was no sense in both of us buying our own. I anticipated I'd have to spend somewhere around $60. I knew I didn't want to buy another cheap-

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