I’ve been thinking about faith lately and about just how one “lives by faith.” I’ve been struck by one very interesting observation. It doesn’t matter who you are. Whether we want to admit it or not, we all live by faith. I’m not just talking about a little bit of faith. Almost everything we do involves a good deal of faith.
As I drove to work this morning I had to have faith that the drivers around me were going to stay in their lanes or honor their red light when I had a green one. I had to have faith when I entered the elevator that it would indeed take me up five floors without plunging downward. I have faith that the unseen, unknown builders of this place knew what they were doing and that they constructed this mass of brick and steel in a way that enables it to withstand the wind and rain. From simple things like flipping on a light switch to eating the food brought to me in a restaurant requires faith in countless people and chains of circumstances beyond my control.
With all this faith in men for which we don’t give a second thought, why do we find it so hard to have faith in God? As Christians we all believe in the sinful nature of fallen man. We know apart from the saving grace of Jesus their hearts are evil. Yet we find it so easy to have faith in them for so many things. The miner who pulled the ore from the earth used to make you car is much less worthy of our faith than The One who put the ore in the earth. The engineer who studied the physics to gauge the stresses this building can withstand knows nothing compared to The One who commands the winds, waves and all forces of nature with His words.
I’m not advocating that we stop having all this faith. But when we see all the ways in which we have faith in other people or things we should be prompted to trust God and place so much more faith in Him. Buildings crumble, people have auto accidents, but He is unfailing.
Thoughts from John 12:1-10
Okay, so I saw a tweet from somebody I follow that was about some reading
they they were doing for lent. Well, I wasn't really raised with any kind
of "len...
11 years ago