This Advent my pastor is doing a series call "The Great Rescue." A week ago he started with God's creation of man for relationship with Himself, the fall, and the promise of the rescue to come.
I used to think Adam and Eve were so stupid. How could they, after experiencing perfect fellowship with God before the fall, make the choice to throw that all away by violating the only boundary they had? But as I mature I've become much more sympathetic and less critical of their situation. I guess I see myself so much more in Adam than I used to. I know the thousands of times I've failed to stand firm against temptations or chosen to listen to the voice that tells me "Surely you won't die." What is it within us that makes us want to stand right on the edge of a boundry, getting as close as we can to crossing the line? Shouldn't we be smart enough to know boundaries are for protecting us? Why don't we just avoid walking by the tree that tempts us so it won't even be on our mind?
It really makes me long for heaven. I'm so greatful for The Great Rescuer.
Thoughts from John 12:1-10
Okay, so I saw a tweet from somebody I follow that was about some reading
they they were doing for lent. Well, I wasn't really raised with any kind
of "len...
11 years ago
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