I really, REALLY need to get my hair cut. I kind of like the way I look when it's at the current length. But it's so easy when it's short. No blow drying, no comb needed, less static electricity. Hmmmm. I wonder which will win out, my vanity or my laziness. I suppose, looking around at the tops of the heads of so many other men my age I should just be glad I have hair.
My teenage daughter is always saying, "SNAP!" What's up with that? Do you think Crackle and Pop feel left out?
If when you're at The Olive Garden you are supposed to be family, why do they make you pay for the meal? I guess I'd better bring my checkbook with me to my folks' for the Christmas Eve dinner. I just hope the service is good. I'd never hear the end of it if I stiffed my mom on the tip.
I feel very disenfranchised by Nyack College. When I was there we were the Fighting Parsons and purple and white were our colors. In 1998 they changed to the Purple Pride. That only lasted until 2004 when they became the Warriors and changed the colors to crimson with navy blue and gray accents. I'll NEVER wear anything that has the Nyack Warriors on it. YUCK! I am proud of and passionate about my perfect, precious, purple, Parsons. Bring 'em back!
Driving home yesterday the person on the radio said Christmas was right around the corner. Well, then I turned right, around the corner and it wasn't there. Just goes to show you can't believe everything you hear.
Should I be concerned that my 13 year-old was reciting complete scenes of dialogue from Finding Nemo (which we haven't watched in a long time) to me in the van yesterday yet can't remember his mother telling him to bring up his dirty laundry five minutes ago?
I think I would be fat if it weren't for the Internet. I used to spend my lunch hour eating. But now I have so much fun surfing and reading stuff that I forget to eat.
Thoughts from John 12:1-10
Okay, so I saw a tweet from somebody I follow that was about some reading
they they were doing for lent. Well, I wasn't really raised with any kind
of "len...
11 years ago
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