I’m still pondering a couple things on faith theme again today. One item is just because a person believes something or has faith in something doesn’t mean that it is true. By the same token, just because you choose not to believe something doesn’t mean it isn’t true. Our faith or belief really has no bearing on truth. Truth is true regardless of how one feels or believes or perceives. To preface truth with words like “your” or “my” is meaningless. You may observe something from a different perspective or have a life experience on which you base a belief that is far different from my own. But that doesn’t change the truth. If truth was not something solid and unchanging how could we have a foundation for faith in anything?
Another thought is something James writes about. Faith alone is worthless. It requires action. I could easily say how much I believe parachuting is safe and would be fun. But am I willing to step through the door of an airplane as it soars above the ground? Or how about an example a little closer to home. I know and believe that spending time reading my Bible and praying daily is one of the most important things I can do. But do my actions reflect that? Who is king of my late nights, Leno, Letterman or The Lord of Lords?
I have faith that God will make sure my needs and those of my family are taken care of. But does my giving reflect that? As long as I’m on money here, is there somebody out there who can tell me where the line is between faithful stewardship and reckless irresponsibility? Sure I want to become more generous. I love giving. But I’m also in charge of making sure I am wise in how I provide for my family. We are a fairly frugal family. So it’s not like I’m feeling guilty about how we do use our money. But I read stories about people like the widow in 1 Kings 17 who just had enough for a last meal for her son and herself. Then Elijah asked her to bring him food first. She did and her oil and flour never ran out. Do I have that kind of faith? Could I give away my last meal? I’ve got enough for countless meals right now. Is that meaning my jar of oil is full because I've been faithful with what little I have, or is God providing me with opportunities to give the oil He's put in my jar away, or both?
Boy, this trying to live acting on what you believe sure can be complex.
Thoughts from John 12:1-10
Okay, so I saw a tweet from somebody I follow that was about some reading
they they were doing for lent. Well, I wasn't really raised with any kind
of "len...
11 years ago
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