When I'm working in a couple of applications at the same time or surfing on the web and I type but my cursor doesn't seem to be anywhere, where do all those letters or words go? I know I typed something. And sometimes they were log ins and passwords. Is somebody collecting all that somewhere? Does it all end up in a dead letter office somewhere?
Dead letters. Hmmm. Were they ever really alive?
I'm so glad I learned English as a child while my mind still had room to keep track of all the odd things in the language. Like the words to, too, two or do, dew, due. Or what about the word live. Casting Crowns played live in the house where I live. The word looks the same but I bet you read it two different ways in that sentence.
How did I ever learn which way to spell the "f" sound. The rough, fat philanthropist from Philadelphia had enough funds. How does somebody know when hot and cool mean the same thing or are opposites? Does every language have these kinds of issues?
Or what about when a word changes. My kid were reading an older book and it used the word "gay" as in happy, joyful. But somewhere it came to mean a person who is attracted to another person of the same sex. Oh, and what about the word marriage. It's defined as a legal union between a man and woman as husband and wife. You think I'll get stares from people if I announce that my parents have a gay marriage? Some people might think they are very progressive. That is until they find out I have a male father and a female mother and they are happy together as husband and wife. I guess I've just determined I'm all for gay marriage.
Thoughts from John 12:1-10
Okay, so I saw a tweet from somebody I follow that was about some reading
they they were doing for lent. Well, I wasn't really raised with any kind
of "len...
11 years ago
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