"in the end we have a choice: burnout & cynicism vs. being true to what God has called you to, regardless of what change that brings to your current situation."
This is from Kim's Blog. She the very gifted worship leader (Sorry to short change you, Kim. I know that doesn't even begin to describe how wonderful you are.) at my church who just attended the 2009 re:create conference. It's some kind of worship leader get together thingy. And from what I've gathered, it's pretty cool. I'm sure this quote came in the context of being ministry. But it really has been making me think.
As some may know, I've been in kind of a restless, wrestling stage lately. Got those big "What? Where? When?" questions bouncing around. But I do find that, even if I'm not sure where I should be tomorrow, if I determine for now that where I am is right where God wants me, I am much less cynical or prone to feel burnt out in my job.
The hard part will be if/when I clearly know what God calls me to, can I embrace the "regardless of what change that brings to your current situation" part? It just makes me think about the Casting Crowns lyrics, "Reckless abandon wrapped in common sense. Deep water faith in the shallow end." One never really knows for sure until the time comes to act. I'd so like to think I could do something "regardless." But really, would I? Much like my youngest in the pool. She's so brave when she can touch the bottom. But take her out deeper, even when I reassure her that I will let nothing happen to her, and she is very afraid. I know she knows I love her and all. But still, her fear is greater than her faith that I won't allow any harm to come to her. One thing that does happen when I take her out deeper (other than the screaming), she clings more tightly to me.
Cling more tightly. That's not such a bad way to handle when we're in the deep end of life, is it?
Thoughts from John 12:1-10
Okay, so I saw a tweet from somebody I follow that was about some reading
they they were doing for lent. Well, I wasn't really raised with any kind
of "len...
11 years ago